In a world where fake science news threatens our ability to communicate science effectively, applying the art of evidence-based science communication has become an important skill.
BEES6800 The Science of Science Communication is a fully online University of New South Wales course I run. It is a third-year course open to any UNSW student with at least one year of science at the university level.
As an elective course, it is also open to any Australian University student with the same one-year science requirement (ask your university about the cross-institutional study that can be taken as part of your degree). Study Abroad students at UNSW can also take the course. Arizona State University students should enquire directly at
The course aims to allow students to add the option of a career in science communication to their degree career choices. I teach the course, calling on my experience as a science communicator and current researcher in science communication to impart cutting-edge knowledge in effective evidence-based science communication. There is no assumed knowledge of science communication in the course.
For those students who would like to improve their communication skills in science communication, I also teach another UNSW course at the second-year level. BEES2680 is open to all the student categories above. The course offers a good foundation for BEES6800. It also underpins the skills needed during a student’s university studies and future career choices. There are no prerequisites for BEES2680.
The course outline can be found here:
Both courses are full-length full-credit courses delivered over ten weeks. Enquiries: